Monday, September 30, 2013

The Mustard Seed

The Mustard Seed

The meaning of
this parable
in past years
has been simply
one of smallness..
Faith of just
this small size
would move
In our time
we find that
there are scales
from universe size
to those seeds
each with power
of a torus field..
Our Question now:
Is this our
modern vessel
for fuller
understanding and
New faith...?

“Looking back on almost half a century of research, including thousands of books, films, interviews with experts from diverse fields, if I were to pick one common denominator to all the facets of my quest, it would be the TORUS, the fundamental energy pattern that invites our alignment at every level of our existence for us to survive and thrive.”
                                                                                                    - Foster Gamble

Judging and Logging

 Judging and Logging

All of these parables
Contain data concealed
And data revealed..
Most confounding
Is the revealed
Without the comfort
Of knowing that
Below in deep water
Lies a fuller truth...

Matthew, Chapter 7

1.  Do not judge..
2.  Specks and logs..
3.  Pearls before swine..
4.  Search and you will find..
5.  Do to others as you would..
6.  Enter the narrow gate..
7.  Good trees and bad trees..
8.  Not everyone will enter..
9.  House founded on a rock..

Matthew, Chapter 8

1.  Cleansing and Moses..
2.  Centurion--authority and faith..
3. "He took our infirmities.."
4.  Foxes have holes..
5.  Let the dead bury the dead..
6.  Rebuking the wind..
7.  Demons and herd of swine..

Matthew, Chapter 9

1.  Which is easier, forgive or walk..
2.  Authority to human beings..
3.  Matthew got up and followed..
4.  Call sinners not righteous..
5.  Bridegroom and fasting..
6.  Unshrunk cloth and wineskins..
7.  Only touch his cloak..
8.  Girl not dead but sleeping..
9.  By demons he casts out demons..
10.  Harvest is plentiful but laborers few..

Sunday, September 29, 2013



A lonely scene
By Edward Hopper
Bright light and
Clear glass..
Our perspective is
Outside in..
We see enclosed
In darkened frame
Lingering characters
Seated alone in
Clarity and precision
Cold and forlorn..
It's the polarity
Light and shadow
Before they find
The connection
of These...


Procrastination is not what it seems. …what looks from the outside like our delay; our lack of commitment; even our laziness may have more to do with a slow, necessary ripening through time and the central struggle with the realities of any endeavor to which we have set our minds. To hate our procrastinating tendencies is in someway to hate our relationship with time itself, to be unequal to the phenomenology of revelation and the way it works its own way in its very own sweet, gifted time, only emerging when the very qualities it represents have a firm correspondence in our struggling heart and imagination.
..Procrastination does not stop a project from coming to fruition -what stops us is giving up on an original idea because we have not got to the heart of the reason we are delaying, nor let the true form of our reluctance instruct us in the way ahead…
From Readers’ Circle Essay, “Procrastination”

Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Blue Jay

A Blue Jay

is framed by
Rain darkened branches
Together with
Reflecting morning sun..
These juxtaposed with
Readings mention of
Humility and awe..
Which now serve as
Field and frame
Blue Jay and all...

a logwood reflection

Friday, September 27, 2013


In our time
Is really creation..
That which seems
Found out there
Reflects as mirror
The creation
Of one observing..
This whole matrix
Imagine enwrapping
And filling
Each and all..
Our work
This evening
To awaken
To the mirror's
Fearful message...
a logwood reflection...



Those unexpected
Lost keys and forgets
Seem as threats
To our wholeness..
We sense flaws
In our makeup
Those trips 
And falls..
Yet we must try
For new bearings..
These events
These breaks 
Are the substance
And the fuel for
New awareness
Of growth
Of new Wholes...

a logwood reflection

Monday, September 23, 2013



There is pain
Of separation
Of this myriad 
Of differences..
Then we see
The beauty..
To these sides
Of creation
Emotions retort
A cycle completes
And stimulates
New creation...

Sunday, September 22, 2013



We listen once
This is enough
A repeated hearing
Brings restlessness..
Our attachment to
Variety is
Creation's gift..
But the gift
Corrodes with overuse..
Building vessels
For elevation
Comes from that
Dreaded repetition...



The immersion we feel
Stillness seems so rare..
Meditation leads us to
Those places of nature
Wind and birds setting
Such are deemed pleasant..
Returning then to
The traffic
The leaf blowers..
Might we then
Realize all ripples
as Noise
Looking for the
Common disturbance
of Stillness...?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Mr. Eliot said


Mr. Eliot said

"Poetry like music
should communicate
before it is understood."

We find below
Our creation fire
Our Expansion
Comes only with
the Anguish
of rotting layers..
This message 
Before I

 (by Mae, Hello Poetry)
on scaffolding of my delight
step sure onto sharp angles right

then fall through rotting layers of wrong
play hologram dear martyr's song
conceived in blind faith follow
spiral maze of story's wallow

inaction wrapped desire
calling forth creation's fire

emerge onto no ground
find self

Wednesday, September 18, 2013



her parting breath
This something more..
With warm hands
Her lifelong purpose:
Little living spark
of Light..
A friend was there
In quiet near
Staying and drifting
As on Edge
This world and Next
Remembered words:
"It is all Polarity.."

With gratitude to
Two friends...

Thank you, Terri



A blackboard tells
 A partial story
His maps and precisions:
Order as on the Plain
those years ago..
There is more:
He shares his life with
enthusiasm and humor
fortune and tragedy
He and Audrey..
A flying career
A choice interrupts
to our great gain..
He often reflects:
A literary life
can mold us..
On those paths
Better persons find..
Today we celebrate:
His years have
Lengthened and a
Legacy looms...

Our gratitude, Jesse
On your Birthday...!

--Charlie Coon

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Prayer is Feeling

"The Fifth Secret: Creating Your Own Prayers.

"On a day when the wind is perfect, the sail just needs to open and the world is full of beauty. Today is such a day" Rumi

"Prayer is the language of God and the angels. From the wisdom recorded in the Dead Sea Scrolls to the native practices that have survived until this day, prayer is universally described as a mystical language with the power to change our bodies, our lives and the world. Within these same traditions, however, there are many different ideas regarding the most effective ways to 'speak' the language of prayer. In its own way, each spiritual practice throughout the ages has put its unique spin on precisely what prayer is, how it works, and how to apply it in our lives. Ultimately, what we find is that the language of prayer has no rules, and cannot be done in a right or wrong manner. It lives within us as something that comes naturally: feeling."
Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer, pages 159-160, Gregg Braden

The Whale

The Whale

Our life Question
Who am I..?
Jonah means Dove
and he found
his Answer
Yet chose to flee..
The continuing Tale:
Influence on sailors
Wish for death..
Dark and Deep
Yet finding again
his Answer..
Which he held
through blazing Sun
a wilting tree
a cunning worm..
Do we know
Who are We...?

This profound story
questions remain
but not the
of the search
for our own Answer...

Monday, September 16, 2013

Who are we..?

Who are we..?

The Question… 
How can we possibly know what to choose—what policies to create, what laws to pass, or how to build sustainable economies and bridge the issues that are tearing at the fabric of our relationships and society—until we’ve answered the single question that lies at the very core of our existence. The question is simply this: 
Who are we? 
As individuals, as families, as nations, and as a combined human civilization, our answer to this deceptively simple question creates the lens through which we see ourselves, our world, and make the choices of our lives, our future, and our survival. When we embrace the discoveries of modern science—the truths of our past on Earth, our planet’s cycles of change, and the role these play in our lives—then we’ll understand what we’re really up against, what our options are, and what choices are available.

The Hope 
In recent years, an explosion of new discoveries throughout the sciences has left little doubt that many long-standing views about life, our world, and our bodies have to change. The reason is simple: The ideas are wrong. In light of the new evidence regarding near–ice age civilizations, the false assumptions of human evolution, the origin and role of war in our past, and the undue emphasis on competition in our lives today, we must rethink the most basic scientific beliefs that lie at the core of the decisions we make and the way we live. This is where the new deep truths of science come in.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Laurel Botsford conversation..

Hello Charles,

I apologize for the great delay in responding to you!!  I am in the middle of preparing a presentation for the upcoming Science and Non-Duality Conference [SAND] to be held in San Jose, CA in October and I have been accepted for a ‘poster presentation’.  A whole new experience to prepare a 4’ x 8’ wall with the information one would normally just speak about, as you can imagine.  Google the organization = I’m sure you will like them!  And this year the big names they have participating in the conference are science Dr John Hagelin [whom I quote in my books and my presentations] and spiritual Deepak Chopra.  I’m very excited about being involved with it too.  If you come… you must introduce yourself!

What I like is that we never stop learning and I thank you for this new direction!  I had to look and find out what a Torus shape was/is.  Fascinating, especially all the different torus’ and how they ‘move’.

So your question:  Is the Torus shape what unifies the collapse/bang cycles?  I would say it is a good example of what a manifestation of the continuously convoluting cycles can be.  A torus does however always maintain ‘shape’ as its identifying definition. 

My understanding is that the continuously waving potential of form referred to as Pure Consciousness, ie. something not yet manifest, is the very basis from which all else comes and the eventual basis to which all returns.  

The Big Collapse, brought on by these waves of potential interacting and condensing, leads this ‘potential’ into form and the Big Bang and its associated stresses send form back into the potential as it breaches the speed of light and disintegrates [scientific language-Sci] or transforms [spiritual language-Spi] into an ‘altered energy state’, something we cannot identify as more than a potential, thereby having nothing to identify.

In this way each Big Bang End carries with it the consciousness that has opened within us during our evolvement through this cycle of consciousness, and the next Big Collapse Beginning brings with it the new conditions of this new manifestation, of this new Universe; what I call the rules and regulations, or sacred geometry of this new realm.  And I have been told there is a progressive notion into ever higher levels of consciousness for the very simple fact that once the consciousness is awakened to a higher state there can be no regression back to a lower state.

The impression I get from the torus shape and its associated movements is that of a closed, formed system with a limited range of information that rolls continuously over itself without encouraging newness and change, other than its repetitive roll.  Fascinating and fun to watch to be sure!  But for me ‘potential’ is vastly bigger than anything confining.

This mechanism of the Big Collapse/Big Bang cycle is, in fact, one of the most important aspects of my up-comimg presentation at SAND USA 2013!  I will soon be uploading my eBook covering this information.  I’ll let you know when!  Good luck with your presentation too.  And thanks for your support, encouragement and input.

May I post your question on my website, with or without your given name?

Enjoy this spinning ride as time continues to accelerate!
With Unbounded Love and the Light of Consciousness, and their Wisdom applied in our Human Realm,

Hi Laurel,

In my imagining, the torus is inter dimensional, so that in its movement around the sides, and upward through an inside central column, higher dimensions (non-local) are reached which leave form behind, awaiting the collapse when the downward outside path again re-enters the realm of form.  My torus is open at the top, equating to E=mc2, and is gathering for the collapse to come. The potential of the torus form seems infinite. It also seems a beautiful and ever-moving process, pertaining to all reality in our dimension and those higher.

Take care,


Fantastic Charles,

… and a great example of how opinions are so easily and erroneously formed when one skims the top of a new subject!  My knowledge of the Kabbalah is also near zero so your explanation of this higher dimensional interpretation of the torus is perfect and gives it Life.  In the way you explain it, with an open, infinite top and the ‘gathering for the collapse’, instead of my assumed waving yet closed system, makes it an excellent image of the cycles we have both understood.  I cannot claim ‘collapse’ as mine though, for it is the quantum term to which I have only added the ‘Big’! 

In my Sci-Spi connections and applying your explanation I immediately jump to equating the torus with the black hole, pulling everything inescapably into it due to its intense gravitational field, and on into what?, science does not know, but I have been told in channeling that a black hole is one of the portals currently open to the Consciousness That Is.  You would have read that in my book [and by the way – thank you so much for purchasing it!].  A major difference is that the fluid movement of the torus is so beautifully calming, whereas the intensity of the black hole invokes discomfort, unless of course, you happen to enjoy the thrill of its promised speeds ;-).  Perhaps the torus equates more to the inevitable constancy of the Cycles of Consciousness and the black hole more specifically to the Cycle of the Human Realm.

An open top torus/black hole/E-mc2 leading us back to the Pure, the waving pure potential of this Higher Dimension/Energy/Enlightenment from which everything collapses/rolls beautifully over and continues condensing into Being/Form, in the ever waving tides of change, the evolution of our consciousness, flowing through the cycle as we develop through our inner being/inside central column to finally rise again leading us back to the Pure.

Thank you so much for this beautiful image, Charles. 

Beautifully written ~

Enjoy this spinning ride as time continues to accelerate!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Raging Water

Raging Water

A large puddle
and water resumes
a calm reflection
of cliffs above..
The same water
in recent hours
found new voice
raging and tearing
expressive duality..
Placid once now
a surgical knife
carving new paths
through roadbeds
and homes..
We reflect
as water beings
hope for calm
to mitigate our

Colorado flooding
September, 2013


Liked · September 10 

“Whether we actually believe that we’re part of a cosmic simulation or simply use the idea as a metaphor for our relationship with our everyday world may be less important than the possibilities that such a notion implies. Metaphor or fact, the concepts give us a language with which to share the conversation, and a place to begin.
“Either way, the experience of our lives is based on a program – a reality code – that translates possibilities into reality. Belief is that code. If we know how to create the right kind of belief, then our ideas of what ‘is’ and ‘isn’t’ change forever. In other words, nothing is impossible in a world based in belief.” pg 131, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, Gregg Braden

Thursday, September 12, 2013



Not obvious
 other dimension..
but with hesitation
there appear
and similarities
quick vistas of
These glimpses 
behind fragments
are new experiences:
slight altered states
of consciousness..
quiet stimulants
of fleeting joy..
In remaining day
expectations rise
for finding more
cracks in that

"Nature is made
to conspire
with spirit to
emancipate us."

--Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Spider

The Spider

We are like the spider.
We weave our life and then move along in it.
We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream.
This is true for the entire universe.

~ The Upanishads

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Twin Lights

Twin Lights

The crumbling
death and terror
so much in
our lives changed
that day..
A foundation moment
Now in place
of the crumbling
Twin Lights rise..
the crumbling in
alchemical transform
Our crumbling potential
Light and Life...

September 11th, 2013



It often seems
we have lost
this origin 
from which all
Sound is creation
from the Silence..
We must 
in our days
filter the noise
noise as pollution 
to grasp the
most vital relation
Silence and Sound...


is something from which we wish to turn away; an intimation of the end, and the graveyard of fixed identities. Real silence puts any present understanding to shame; orphans us from certainty; leads us beyond the well known and accepted reality and confronts us with the unknown and previously unacceptable conversation about to break in upon our lives. Silence does not end skepticism but makes it irrelevant. Belief or unbelief or any previously rehearsed story meets the wind in the trees, the distant horn in the busy harbor, or the watching eye and listening ear of a loved one.

In silence, essence speaks to us of essence itself and asks for a kind of unilateral disarmament, our own essential nature slowly emerging as the defended periphery atomizes and falls apart. As the busy edge dissolves we begin to join the conversation through the portal of a present unknowing, robust vulnerability, revealing in the way we listen, a different ear, a more perceptive eye, an imagination refusing to come too early to a conclusion, and belonging to a different person than the one who first entered the quiet.

Out of the quiet emerges the sheer incarnational presence of the world, a presence that seems to demand a moving internal symmetry in the one breathing and listening equal to its own breathing, listening elemental powers. To become deeply silent is not to become still, but to become tidal and seasonal, a coming and going that has its own inimitable, essential character, a story not fully told, like the background of the sea, or the rain falling or the river going on, out of sight, out of our lives. Reality met on its own terms demands absolute presence, and absolute giving away, an ability to live on equal terms with the fleeting and the eternal, the hardly touchable and the fully possible, a full bodily appearance and disappearance, a rested giving in and giving up; another identity braver more generous and more here than the one looking hungrily for the easy, unearned answer.

SILENCE taken from the upcoming reader's circle essay series. ©2013: David Whyte.

Photo: © DW. September Light. Buckholt Wood, Cotswolds. England.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Q and A

Q and A

With habit and haste
we grasp an answer
not recognizing that
 Question is whole
answer is limit
A Question wave
collapses to a
particle answer..
And we need hear:
Question is life
Answer is death..
Q and A
deep interlace as
Creator and creation..

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Bags of Gold

Bags of Gold

5 brings 5 
2 brings 2
l brings that
scolding retort..
All seek ascent
5 and 2 in
a system corrupt..
1 saw more..
Suffering in darkness
weeping and gnashing..
He saw these
all enfolded in
His singular Self
A more fulfilling

See Matthew 25
Parable of Talents

Blind Man's Stick

Blind Man's Stick

A perennial dispute
On mind's location
Inside or there..
Those scanning devices
Our inside isolates
The blind man's stick
To outside spreads..
Technology's extensions
Distant and wide..
And then contemplation
Imagination is wing..
Borderlines grow hazy
Is wholeness indeed...

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sun and Weed

Sun and Weed

Lowered evening sun
Direct and glowing
A leafy weed peered
Above its patch and
Reflected the sun..
Photo or not
The patch said no
But brightness spoke
And shutter closed..
Surprise with result
Colors and forms
Not surpassed in
A manicured bouquet..
Beauty asks only for
Sun and reflector
From these two
All creation glows...

A Learning Moment

A Learning Moment

Some may prefer
A teaching moment
A fleeting time
To fill the Other
With our known.. 
Though if we
See our Moment
Enclosing both:
Learning is shared 
in a burst
Quite unexpected
Leaving both with
No joy spared...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013



One of nine
Greek goddesses
is the definition..
She rises in finery
adorned in her
Greek duality..
But that other 
Muse the verb
is a turning
a meditation of
This is the
singular Goddess
the presence 
which gives life
to our attractive
Greek friend...

Musing with Mae..

Monday, September 2, 2013

Deo and Noises of Night..

Deo and Noises of Night

the cat
quite elegant with
tuxedo no tail
home alone..!
Dan went traveling
across the divide..
I served as
  treat bearer with 
anticipated arrival..
After dining on 
flesh of the tuna
Deo in lengthy
hair care coiffure..
Interrupted only by
neighborhood noises
of night..
Imagining those
memories of fright
in this feline's
youthful stray life..
Eyes fearsome wide
Ears shifting alert..
But no harm
returning to now..
Tongue's last stroke
bath and bed
Monday is over...

Sunday, September 1, 2013



Do we have courage
To write our own..
Turn to our past
Open those portals
Long since bypassed..
Not fleeing once open
Lingering there and there..
Dark passages then
Turning new sides
Textures now strange
Strange and renewed..
Bright lanterns then
Strangely are dim..
All is perspective
Dimensions to gain..
New Name today
What Name might
Portals of tomorrow
yet bring...?