Amazon review: (posted)
This new work by Rupert Spira fills a critical need in our
world culture. Our culture is based on a time-worn paradigm
of materialism, which of late has resulted in what seems as
an elevated level of suffering. Rupert addresses our beliefs
which are dependent on materialism, or more specifically,
on our assumption of separation, of the world of subject/object
duality located in the body. This old paradigm, stemming
from the Greeks, places our awareness, or consciousness
in a body which looks out upon a world of separated people
and objects. Conflicts result. Within persons, between persons,
and collectively among nations. How much time remains
for a reversal of this increasingly painful well-seated assumption?
A very necessary reversal, expressed with his unmatched
clarity, is the gift Rupert Spira gives to all of us.
I have been a student for several years. What has been
impressive to me is Rupert's recognition of the limits of language,
yet his scientific precision in carefully selecting and defining
his words. The powerful element of his teaching is its simplicity,
and availability to all 7 billion of us. Asking ourselves the simple
question: "Am I aware?" a question asked by the finite mind,
followed by a search and pause, results in an answer by the
serious person, as "Yes!" The answer is also formed by the finite
mind, but the mind-less experience in the pause is an experience
of our true nature, our real Self. This "direct approach" can
result in an illuminating Experience which does not depend
on years of meditation and study, and is available to everyone,
right here and now! In a world which so urgently needs a
new paradigm, this approach holds much, perhaps the only,
Our own Experience is key!
Based upon this brief questioning exercise, Rupert
expands upon a simple path of realizing our true nature.
The Q and A is essentially what he refers to as the "inward
path," which religions call transcendence, and it is followed
by an "outward path," or path of immanence, resulting in
the realization that everything is in Consciousness (God is
the religious name), and, actually made of Consciousness.
Again, all of this is Experiential and available to everyone!
Rupert appreciates the power of the metaphor, and uses
several, claiming as his favorite a metaphor of the screen
and the movie. The screen represents Consciousness, our
true Self, and the movie, appearing on and actually made
of the screen, represents our lives of seeming separation.
The characters (us) in the movie, longing for happiness,
search the world for the screen, not realizing we are made
of the screen, which is the very happiness we are seeking!
The dilemma of our time! The movie characters are simply
modulations of the screen, as are we relating to our true
identity: Awareness or Consciousness.
Hopefully, I have touched on the essence of this unique
spiritual masterpiece. Rupert has written several books
preceding this one, and there is a plethora of videos and
shorter writings on the web...again, all presented with
extraordinary clarity. His new book presents an excellent
summation of his well-stated approach, an old approach,
(the Perennial approach) stated in new language and new
luminosity for our time. It is vitally important!
Are you aware?
~~~Charles R. Coon

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![]() | ![]() Are you Aware? This new work by Rupert Spira fills a critical need in our world culture. Our culture is based on a time-worn paradigm of materialism, which of late has resulted in what seems as an elevated level of suffering. Rupert addresses our beliefs which are dependent on... See your full review |
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