"Once man was all; now he is an appendage, a nuisance. And because the indwelling Supreme Spirit cannot wholly be got rid of, the doctrine of it suffers this perversion, that the divine nature is attributed to one or two persons, and denied to all the rest, and denied with fury." Excerpt...Ralph Waldo Emerson's Divinity School Address, 1838...
Life as Appendage
We seem as dwindled from All to appendage
as we stand among many appendages..
The All is deeply hidden..buried in struggle..
Who are we..?
A question seldom asked..
Yet we intuit and long to dissolve
the constricted appendage we have come to be..
Each appendage intuits a divine nature yet
is often denied with egoistic fury..
Let us stand in awe with those words
he spoke in that refulgent summer..1838..
In this refulgent autumn
let us bring his words forward
as we witness:
The fall of church..state..art..letters..life
The labeling as fake of disagreeable information
Religion reduced to belief without grounding..
Grounding..which provides the acceptable
certainty of Truth..hides behind many facades..
Appendage is separation..That which Appends lies
in darkness..
An awakening dawn awaits...CC

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