Tuesday, January 30, 2018



seems inextricably wrapped
with the illusionary
separate ego..
A formation after birth
healthily growing and with hope
to fill creation's purpose..
separation's burden weighs
prompting discrimination
and a rising to witness of
power in play..
The witness is found
as unlimited and
joyful relief of
power's burden...

(Today's Pillar Cafe topic..)

for Janice

for Janice

We have experienced
the treasury of friendship..
Over time we have
shared and expressed 
our Truth..
A Truth that lives
and will always live
between and around us
and in our one heart..
This is our Truth
our Peace
our Wholeness
our eternal Love...

Casting and Mending

Casting and Mending

stretches and searches
for what..?
For new possibilities
 netfuls of happiness..
For abundance
in forms distinct and subtle..
Netting results most often
in temporary respites
calling for mending and new
Then on this day
a permanent mending
is glimpsed..
A mending for clarity
of our Self before

What about Zebedee..?

He remained..

No complaints..for
he must have known
of permanent mending..
He knew that his sons
were now going
to the place 
the placeless place
his already home..
The home where
casting and mending
merged as one...

The Sea

had always been there
a habitual presence
bringing mending..
But they remained 
with small identities
enclosed by their work
of casting and mending..
The new teacher passing by
immediately accosted them:
Did you know
you are as the sea..as I am
I am..as You are..?
Yes..we must depart

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Is science infinite?


rambles to find consciousness
and never seems to come to grips
with the centuries-old Truth:
science in all its expressions
is thought..and thought is limited
and temporary,,and made all the while
of consciousness..
science thought has assumed separation
observer and observed..until quantum thought
suggests a revolution..
science seems intent on circling and circling
the Truth..avoiding it's own dying in
Truth's quantum fire...
most scientists seem to be circling
in our day..not realizing the goal of 
their searching lies experientially
very close...

David Deutsch“I think nothing worth understanding will always remain a mystery. And consciousness (qualia, creativity, free will etc.) seems eminently worth understanding.”

Martin Rees: Science “will hit the buffers at some point,” .."There are two reasons why this might happen. The optimistic one is that we clean up and codify certain areas (such as atomic physics) to the point that there’s no more to say. A second, more worrying possibility is that we’ll reach the limits of what our brains can grasp..."

We are projecting

We are projecting

It may seem
as a leap to say
we are projecting
not passively perceiving..
We seem to live
in a perceiving world
which is upheld by
those persistent centuries..
But now..in our time
perceptions may be shaking
as they insist separation:
viewer and object..
Perception props materialism
as this paradigm 
weakens and wavers.. 
So..let's go ahead
take the leap:
Know and feel our
projecting Wholeness...

Transparent power

Transparent power

Consider this relationship
in which power 
comes to health and peace:
From transparency we observe
with clarity
that power appears solid 
in seeming separation..  
But the line of separation fades
as we search for that boundary..
Power is absorbed in transparency
and now there is the possibility
to speak with loving authority...

Friday, January 26, 2018



is the name of this blog..
It is simply the entanglement 
of poles
dancing and longing..
Longing for what..?
Longing for wholeness
which contains the poles.
The dance is a search
for:  I Am...

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The real teacher

The real teacher

as we are evolving to understand
is Consciousness..
In a recent class or lecture or movie
perception of sights and sounds
argued most strongly that the teacher
or the conveyer of entertainment
was over there..external to we in our chair..
We were not taught that seeing and hearing
are much closer..lying within..made of ourselves..
This move of our attention inward
identifies our real teacher..
All thoughts and perceptions simply
color and configure Consciousness
only temporarily..
We are colored and configured and know
..have always known..that We are
the real teacher...

Wednesday, January 24, 2018



If we know that
Consciousness is Truth
how do we find words
to express..
Words are all objects
some subtle..some not
Consciousness is not..
The word Consciousness
is another object
Words provide metaphors
but in the end
all falsely claim
to give us Truth..

And yet:
We all know
Consciousness is Truth...



A question of burden:
imagining a future
where responsibility falls..
Light or heavy
is the measuring stick
which swings at
us all..
There is variation:
light to one
heavy to another..
These are perceptions
which result from
imagining departure
from our
peace just now..
However..might we
observe these departures
from our peaceful place
 allowing their departure
within our peace...?

Tuesday, January 23, 2018



our cultural cloudiness
we believe that there 
is no certainty..
When beliefs are raised
there are retorts of doubt..
Some reluctantly and
grudgingly admit that
their beliefs are carriers
of doubt..
So where do we go
to find a certainty
Perhaps all we need is
 an experience of blue sky 
standing in clarity behind
those clouds of belief...

Monday, January 22, 2018

STRETCH...April 2018


Sponsored by:  the PILLAR Institute for Lifelong Learning

facilitated by:  Charlie Coon

Where/When:  The Myron Stratton Home
South Highway 115 
Third Monday of each month, 3:30 to 5:00 PM

For Monday, April16th, the topic is:

The Perennial "Light" 

“When he awakened from sleep, he said, “Surely the Lord is in this place—and I did not know it.... This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven” (Genesis 28:16–17). In the Celtic world that gateway is present everywhere. In every place is the immediacy of heaven. In every moment we can glimpse the Light that was in the beginning and from which all things have come. As Oliver says, “The threshold is always near.”3 We can step over this threshold and back again in the fleeting span of a second. In a single step we can find ourselves momentarily in that other world, the world of eternal Light, which is woven inseparably through this world—the world of matter that is forever unfolding like a river in flow.” 

― John Philip Newell, The Rebirthing of God: Christianity's Struggle for New Beginnings


MO video:  Make of Yourself a Light, Buddha's Last Instruction

MO Video:  The Journey

MO Video:  Sunrise

RS video:  The Light of Pure Knowing

RS essay:  Awareness Shines in Every Experience

RS:  on the Perennial Tradition!



For Monday, March 19th, 2018, the topic was:

"The Perennial Teachings of John Philip Newell"

"May the deep blessings of earth be with us.
May the fathomless soundings of seas surge in our soul.
May boundless stretches of the universe echo in our depths,
to open us to wonder..."
--John Philip Newell

Just as God speaks to us through the words of scripture, so God speaks to us through the elements of creation. The cosmos is like a living sacred text that we can learn to read and interpret. Just as we prayerfully ponder the words of the Bible in Christian practice, and as other traditions study their sacred texts, so we are invited to listen to the life of creation as an ongoing, living utterance of God.

~~John Philip Newell, Christ of the Celts

“Humanity’s great wisdom traditions are given not to compete with each other but to complete each other. We need each other as much as the species of the earth need one another to be whole. Rebirthing will happen within our Christian household when we reverently approach the heart of other traditions. It is what Griffiths in his work in India calls the “marriage of East and West,” a conjoining of what has been tragically torn apart.” 
~~John Philip Newell, The Rebirthing of God

“Bede Griffiths says of the way of relationship with other faiths that we need to stop living from only “one half of our soul.” We need to open to the treasure of wisdom in traditions other than our own. Not only have they much to teach us, but they also hold the key to unlocking depths within our own religious inheritance that we know nothing of as yet. Jesus says, “You must be born anew.” Rebirth means letting go of the cords of confinement so that newborn vision may emerge.” 

~~John Philip Newell, The Rebirthing of God

“But we will be aware of life’s oneness only to the extent that our ego is developed. At birth, our ego has not yet formed, so everything is experienced as a sea of undifferentiated oneness.  Only gradually do we become aware of life’s differentiations. And it is the development of the ego that enables us to do that.  Part of what we deeply owe our children and one another is the fostering of a strong sense of selfhood that can distinguish between the one and the many, the parts and the whole.  The ego must first learn to distinguish before it can then reunite.
The problem for many of us, however, and the problem that faces many of our religious traditions and cultures norms, is that development of our consciousness has been arrested. It has stopped short…We have graduated from undifferentiated oneness, but have neglected to move on to differentiated oneness.” 
~~John Philip Newell, A New Harmony

“When he awakened from sleep, he said, “Surely the Lord is in this place—and I did not know it.... This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven” (Genesis 28:16–17). In the Celtic world that gateway is present everywhere. In every place is the immediacy of heaven. In every moment we can glimpse the Light that was in the beginning and from which all things have come. As (Mary) Oliver says, “The threshold is always near.”3 We can step over this threshold and back again in the fleeting span of a second. In a single step we can find ourselves momentarily in that other world, the world of eternal Light, which is woven inseparably through this world—the world of matter that is forever unfolding like a river in flow….
~~John Philip Newell, The Rebirthing of God

Showed the following 3 videos...

JPN:  The Rev. Dr. John Philip Newell (introduction)

JPN:  Sermon:  Listening for the Heartbeat of God 
JPN:  The True Self:  The Marriage of East and West 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

thinking makes it so

thinking makes it so

thinking is creation
expressing polarities
of many sorts
to include this one:
but thinking is only
consciousness expressing
as sensing and perceiving
also express..
Consciousness as thinking
forms the polarity
and becomes for now
in illusory separation
a chooser...

Universal I-Am

Universal I-Am

For both East and West
I-Am is the universal experience..
I-Am is the white screen
around these words..and
that out of which the words
are made..
I-Am is the space imagined
around each thought and
perception on this Saturday
I-Am is the perennial space
around all science..all religion..
Yet I-Am is overlooked and 
hides entangled in our
objective attention..
So..we need extract and then
return I-Am to these words
and to those multiplicities
of our rapt attention
on this Saturday morning...

Friday, January 19, 2018

Am I Surrounded..?

Am I Surrounded..?

Not enclosed
or restricted..
But do I allow
the white space
surrounding my circumstance..
With the space remembered
there is the possibility
of the circumstance
fading and revealing
its whiteness...

Thursday, January 18, 2018

A lesson in grammar

In the final analysis
is it a lesson in grammar..?
Most all of us have 
lived and believed
in the objects out there..
And we have been
much less interested 
in the subject in here..

However..once in a while
signs of a shift seem brewing..
The question arises:
Subject and object..they
seem entangled..one seems
one of a coin's sides..
Experience shouts..but
subject/object strikes back..
until it doesn't...!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Perception is Creation

Perception is Creation

Originally..Oneness Is (not-twoness)..
Oneness is sufficient
and of infinite potential..
Oneness yields perception
within and as itself..
Perception remains Oneness
and simultaneously
appears as form..
You are Oneness
and occasionally perception..
You are Creation...!



(in progress...in the meantime critically check out the video below)

happy? Matt Miofsky

Monday, January 8, 2018



our identity lies here
in these three..
a pursuit is formed
when a desire irritates..
we survey surroundings
pursuing an object
to still the desire..
And..finding the object
desire ends in stillness..
however..here is the rub:
stillness does not linger
and new desire irritates
along with new pursuit..
the pattern repeats
at more subtle levels
or more noble settings
until the Realization:
happiness lives here
 and now
as pursuit and objects
 come to an untimely end
in stillness...


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 
--Declaration of Independence

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Cezanne's book

Cezanne's book

Books indeed are intermediaries
but some are deeply engrossed in
the struggles of the mind to explain..
Thus..entangling the truth which is
enmeshed in many twists and turns..
Information does somehow flow but
intermediary chores are abandoned..
Lack of recognition of these chores
results in clouding 
the manifold picture 
of Nature's eternity...

But not the Louvre...!?

Razor Sharp

Razor Sharp

To discriminate
in our conventional living
on the nature of things out there
and of our thoughts in here
we must maintain 
a vigilence
to properly name
the many objects
including those most subtle ones
which claim their very subtle
Our perception need be
razor sharp
to call out the deceivers
lying in wait
masking our Nature:
ego incognito...!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Consciousness and Materialism

Consciousness and Materialism

Below is a summary of a blog entry by a friend (Thanks, Tom!)
which addresses the relationship between consciousness and materialism.  
in juxtaposition I have included a link to another scientist, Bernardo Kastrup 
(has many videos on YouTube) who has been outspoken on this topic.  
In my monthly STRETCH discussions on consciousness/non-duality, a primary 
reference is Rupert Spira's new book, The Nature of Consciousness.  
Bernardo contributed an Afterword to the book in which he talks about the 
seemingly miraculous correspondence between scientific formulation and 
conventional reality.  From a materialist-first point of view, this correspondence 
seems to be a miracle, but much less so from a consciousness-first point of
view...   (Good Poor Richards material, Tom and Charlie P!)

In summary:
The idea presented above is that there is a timeless, necessarily existing, 
realm of abstract mathematical and logical relationships, and these are 
selected (by a God, Deity, or panel of Gods or “Overlords”) to be 
mathematically consistent to form a world. Well, there could be a great 
many ways (again, maybe an infinite number) that these relations could 
be extracted out, while remaining fully mathematically consistent, to 
form a great number of mathematically consistent worlds.
Sentient beings 
are selected in some manner to occupy life within these worlds, and 
are carefully isolated from each other, although they all bathe in, and 
couple to, the consciousness field created to fill the universe.  
(For Tom's entire blog entry see:  https://bigthickglasses.blogspot.com )

Bernardo Kastrup:  Top 10 Materialist Fallacies

Friday, January 5, 2018

The Beacon

The Beacon

A beacon of light
stands as a lighthouse 
at last seen
through waves and wind
of a troubled sea..
A lighthouse is fixed
as was Epiphany's light..
This light of recognition
with overwhelming joy
of That through which
and as which
the waves and wind
and all that is not fixed
move and unfurl...

 9 When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. (Matthew 2)

Thursday, January 4, 2018



each of these
stand in their layer..
below conceals upper..
upper is subject
lower is object..
object alone
is an illusion..
the object's role
is to point
to the subject..

word conceals thought
thought reveals word
thought conceals truth
truth reveals thought..

there is only truth..


Wednesday, January 3, 2018



Considering seeing
which is a powerful instrument
in our conventional experience..
But when we allow our focus to dim
and then to fade away
we sense our wholeness seeing
our subjective self rises
observing its truth..
Seeing ourself
we see our Lord
as the Sufi taught
and as Abraham experienced
with his visitors...!   (see below)

Rupert Spira:  How Awareness Sees

from Genesis 30:  18 The Lord appeared to Abraham[a] by the oaks[b] of Mamre, as he sat at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day. 2 He looked up and saw three men standing near him. When he saw them, he ran from the tent entrance to meet them, and bowed down to the ground. 3 He said, “My lord, if I find favor with you, do not pass by your servant.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018



It seems that fear arises
with our believed departure
from Now..
With this departure
those many others arise
with unknown intent and
oft-perceived threat..
And so..the military budget
gains our attention revealing
unfavorable measurements..
Or the anti-virus software
becomes a moment's priority..
Meanwhile..others in fear
mirror our frightened ways..
We participate in discussions
which with accuracy lay out
the numbers for all to see..
So.. it seems..this is how it has 
always been..
The secret of Now
awaits revelation by the few
who tire of futile repetition...

The Atlantic:  Cuban Missile Crisis