Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Spiritual Eyesight

Spiritual Eyesight 

This is the perennial awareness
seeing our true nature
our birthright of Happiness
and available to all
in all times and seasons..

5 "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
25 "All I know is that I used to be blind, but now I can see."
11 "He told me to go and wash it off in Siloam Pool.  When I did, I could see."
(from John 9: 1-41)

“When he awakened from sleep, he said, “Surely the Lord is in this place—and I did not know it.... This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven” (Genesis 28:16–17). In the Celtic world that gateway is present everywhere. In every place is the immediacy of heaven. In every moment we can glimpse the Light that was in the beginning and from which all things have come. As (Mary) Oliver says, “The threshold is always near.”3 We can step over this threshold and back again in the fleeting span of a second. In a single step we can find ourselves momentarily in that other world, the world of eternal Light, which is woven inseparably through this world—the world of matter that is forever unfolding like a river in flow.” 
― John Philip Newell, The Rebirthing of God: Christianity's Struggle for New Beginnings

Monday, February 26, 2018

Walking Notes on a sunny February day

Walking Notes on a sunny February day

Life is a coloring of Self
whether realized or not..

We all do it
invading the space of another..
When another is met
a need arises
to direct attention
an energy expended
to the appearance
of a seeming other...

This isn't religion..but reality
the perennial Reality
of recognition of "I"
before religion encircles
with  a fence
of objectivity...



He said:
brevity is the soul of wit..
and said T. S. Eliot:
We can say of Shakespeare, that
never has a man turned so little
knowledge to such great account..
and said Rumi:
knowledge of the world is ignorance..

The endlessness of knowledge
is blessing and curse..
Google is one name..
It is easy to forget
to not allow attention
to experience that
in which all knowledge

To recognize knowledge
flowing in and out of that
in which it appears..
Knowledge in isolation
we place first
in idolatrous fashion
as we search for
the water in the wave...

There are two kinds of intelligence: one acquired,
as a child in school memorizes facts and concepts
from books and from what the teacher says,
collecting information from the traditional sciences
as well as from the new sciences.
With such intelligence you rise in the world.
You get ranked ahead or behind others
in regard to your competence in retaining
information. You stroll with this intelligence
in and out of fields of knowledge, getting always more
marks on your preserving tablets.
There is another kind of tablet, one
already completed and preserved inside you.
A spring overflowing its springbox. A freshness
in the center of the chest. This other intelligence
does not turn yellow or stagnate. It’s fluid,
and it doesn’t move from outside to inside
through conduits of plumbing-learning.
This second knowing is a fountainhead
from within you, moving out.” 
― Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi - مولوی

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Ascent and Descent (Animas Valley Institute)

"But there are actually two realms, or domains, of the transpersonal, and the vast majority of contemporary spiritual practices access only one. The two realms might be referred to as those of spirit or God on the one hand, and of soul on the other."
~~~Bill Plotkin

(See: )

Amazon review: John Philip Newell, Christ of the Celts

Amazon Review:  John Philip Newell, Christ of the Celts

Customer Review

on February 24, 2018
This book serves as a note of encouragement for our times. The Celtic
view of the meaning of "Christ" delivers a message based on experience
over the beliefs that have so long muddied the lives of many people. JPN
brings the experience of Christ to a universal audience. He says that "the
image of God is at the core of our being. And like the Garden, it has not
been destroyed. It may have become covered over or lost sight of, but
it is at the beginning of who we are." Modern non-dual teachings, both
inside and outside of religions, involve this direct approach to the
experience of recognizing ourselves, or the identity of "I." We are not
the identity which our cultures and religions and science keep saying
we are. And the amazing thing is that our own experience, if we carefully
refer to it, will tell us that we are indeed that which JPN says we have
covered over or lost sight of. Paul Cezanne, the painter, said much
the same thing: "The time will come when a single carrot, freshly
observed, will set off a revolution." John Philip Newell is an igniter
of this revolution in each of us!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Billy Graham

Billy Graham
has passed
with our many
wishes for peace..
A preacher for
his times..
Times with steep
reliance and rejection 
of belief: 
reaching an eternal
goal at the end
of our time
in earthly sojourn ..

The times have changed
as many are standing awed
over a new recognition 
of real identity 
directly experienced
glimmering eternally
behind the shading clouds..

(Does the verse above
cover both..?)

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

New Recognition

New Recognition

Science's foothold in matter
over many centuries told
is slipping
as transparency arrives..
The particles sought
are illusive
they seem here and then not..
But there is still excitement
on their discovery
even if short-lived..
Something more exciting
may be awaiting
Recognition of that which
is permanent
in which the short-lived
produce their excitement...

Monday, February 19, 2018

Consciousness and her objects

Consciousness and her objects

What of this title..?
There are no objects in we know..
Consciousness is clear
and luminous..
Yet I see what I see
in the kitchen just now:
the appliances..table..
window to the street..
This seeming dichotomy 
as a new thought
enters our Consciousness..
And slowly or quickly
the thought dissolves as
objectivity slides as colors
without any stain
of her luminosity...

ROOTS of violence

ROOTS of violence

GROUP for Understanding…February 21, 2018

"When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind." 
~~~J. Krishnamurti  

"The root of violence is the illusion of separation—from God, from Being itself, from being one with everyone and everything. When you don’t know you are connected and one, you will invariably resort to some form of violence to get the dignity and power you lack. Contemplation of the Gospel message gradually trains you not to make so much of the differences, but to return to who you are (your True Self in God) which is always beyond any nationality, religion, skin color, gender, sexuality, or any other possible labels. In fact, you finally can see that they are always and only commercial labels—that cover the rich product underneath."  
~~~Richard Rohr

“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion […] but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.” 
~~~Samuel P. Huntington

“The fury of a demon instantly possessed me. I knew myself no longer. My original soul seemed, at once, to take its flight from my body; and a more than fiendish malevolence, gin-nurtured, thrilled every fibre of my frame.” 
~~~ Edgar Allan Poe, The Black Cat

Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Dove descends

The Dove descends

and proclaims
to each of us
that you are
I Am..
Immediately the
journey in separation
The wilderness
seems to be a
place for searching
among beasts 
and doves
for I Am...
I Am seems
quite well hidden
seen and unseen..
There are longings
perennial calls
 from the Dove
to look inward
to come home...

(See Mark 1: 9-15

Saturday, February 17, 2018

It from Bit

It from Bit

A scientist on the edge
of consciousness..
a flip underway
from matter to mind..
a new lens..
the scientist herself
all of those thoughts
and equations
from she
who observes...
clearing the way
for a revolution...



dust is the ocean
the common ground
the luminous field
which is never born
and never dies..
we are the particles
the whirlpools
the rivulets
the waves
which for now
declare ourselves
as somehow different
what we are..
until a reminding...

Friday, February 16, 2018



on a raw damp winter day
a haircut
a cozy coffee place
with a special:
warm biscuits and gravy..
this cluster of morning
memories presented itself
on an afternoon walk
in a still chill day..
the remembered cluster
a coloring of present
embellished now by feet
pacing on a wet roadway..
melting to knowing
and the Self

Thursday, February 15, 2018



There is 
an experience of
inner luminosity in
 each of us..where
we need to start..
All out there colors
but does not change
our starting place..
Starting out there
starts with splintering
endures as suffering
and endless searching
for that hidden
way to Start...

Wednesday, February 14, 2018



is the collective way
identifying an edifice
with its rights and rules
to exercise power for
our wellbeing..
with vital expectation:
a minimal creation allowing
maximal freedom..

a vision might emerge
of a fading edifice
dissolving finally
on the horizon..
dissolving and allowing
the uniqueness of
each and every..

without the vision
the concept or thought
of government
becomes an end
a permanent edifice
perpetuating those habits
begging for
escape to freedom.. the meantime...

Monday, February 12, 2018

All shall be well..

All shall be well

is repeated followed by
all manner of things..
Julian give assurance
from her experience
knowing now that
 all manner of things
rising as thought
and perception
are fleeting and that
in which they arise
is already well..
our simple task
is to recognize

Saturday, February 10, 2018



Appearances are of 3 dimensions
but what of an origin in fewer
finally reaching 0 dimensions..
in one guise is the
belief in the reality
of multiple dimensions..
in a new guise is the
realization of appearances..
Appearances shining in
the experience of Original truth...

Experience Shines ☼ with the Reality of Our Being 
Excerpt – Rupert Spira
~ ~ ~

These are the two meanings of the word ‘Maya’ in the Vedantic tradition. ‘Maya’ is usually translated as ‘illusion’. This is the first meaning; the power of objective experience to veil or obscure our essential Self from ItSelf.
But the word ‘Maya’ also has another meaning (less often explained in the traditional literature) and that is the revealing power of Maya, the creativity of Maya, where objective experience is no longer seen to obscure our Being but shines with it, celebrates it, announces it.
To begin with, the movie seems to veil the screen. Later, it is seen to shine with the screen. And in between these two points of view, it may be necessary to turn the movie off in order to see clearly the screen. We are always seeing the screen. This is, by the way, a conventional screen; we are sitting on the sofa. We are always seeing the screen, but we are not seeing it clearly. It is colored by the movie and therefore, we think it is a landscape. So, if we do not see the screen clearly, if we think the two-dimensional screen is a three-dimensional landscape, we may have to turn off the movie. This turning off the movie is the turning away from objective experience. It is the Vedantic path; the inward facing path. It doesn’t really require the turning off of experience, but rather the turning away from experience in order to see clearly what I Am.
But then we turn the movie back on again. And having seen clearly the nature of the screen, the obscuring power of the movie has been removed. The movie no longer veils the screen; it shines with it. It celebrates it.
So, once we have turned away from experience in order to know clearly who I Am…, even in the midst of experience, everyone is experiencing themselves…, most people do not experience themselves clearly and therefore, this turning off of the movie, this turning away from experience is necessary, in almost all cases, in order to see clearly what I Am.
~ ~ ~

Excerpt from “Meditation: 'I' Is the Source of Our Longing”

Times 37:50 to 50:28

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

small point..!

small point..!

infinitely small
is this point
of dimensionless
eternal consciousness..
a creation of the mind
within a transparency
in which no point is found..
yet we allow the mind
to continue creating
making a container:
time and space
to house  
the multiplicity
appearing just now..
all emerging from
the point
existing in

the mind must now

Monday, February 5, 2018

being walked

being walked

many have experienced
this pleasant sensation..
a larger me
seems to be taking steps
of my habitual me..
we might also recognize
the mind in limitation
forms the small walker
which would beg
the question:
what is the nature of
this larger me...?

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Deepak Chopra....Oneness



this biblical happening
may seem extraordinary..
a spectacular story
which we hear once again..

yet we only experience 
here and now..
time and happenings 
are thoughts and images 
within here and now.. 

this gospel writer
attempted to acquaint us
with here and now
using words of immediacy..but
language limits his and our 
expression of truth..

so we consult our experience:
we are on that meeting with our
life teachers on either side
here and now..
our own wholeness shines
our white clothing dazzles..
we most ordinary 
the true self of you and you 
and you and I..

This last phase of the spiritual path is an endless process that is described variously in the spiritual traditions as the establishment process, the Great Rebirth, the transfiguration, transformation etc. It is a process in which the body and the world are progressively permeated by and saturated with the open, empty transparency of our true nature. It is the 'outshining' of the mind, body and world by the light of pure Knowing.  --Rupert Spira

Religion/Science or Science/Religion..?

Religion/Science or Science/Religion?

Bohr tells Heisenberg:

We ought to remember that religion uses language in quite a different way from science. The language of religion is more closely related to the language of poetry than to the language of science. True, we are inclined to think that science deals with information about objective facts, and poetry with subjective feelings. Hence we conclude that if religion does indeed deal with objective truths, it ought to adopt the same criteria of truth as science. But I myself find the division of the world into an objective and a subjective side much too arbitrary. The fact that religions through the ages have spoken in images, parables, and paradoxes means simply that there are no other ways of grasping the reality to which they refer. But that does not mean that it is not a genuine reality. And splitting this reality into an objective and a subjective side won’t get us very far.

(For more see  Brain Pickings:

Friday, February 2, 2018



Separation insists
on our fleshly solidity
and fragmentary lives..
Perception daily strengthen
the confining argument..
We wish for transparency..for melting..
And search for relief
in idolatrous ways..
Transparency is experienced
as the real self
melting away the too solid flesh
which had convinced
our discomfort
all those years...

‘Oh God! that one might read the book of fate,
And see the revolution of the times
Make mountains level, and the continent,
Weary of solid firmness, melt itself
Into the sea.’
Sonnet 64

Mark's Gospel

Mark's Gospel

Observing this Gospel
recognizing the limits
of the mind
but also the possibilities
when an identity 
I Am
is also recognized..
Let's see what happens..!


The earthy John
is our sourcing voice
who speaks of water now
but soon the Holy Spirit
the Spirit I Am
as medium of baptism..
the newcomer
 was cast into wilderness
by the same Spirit
which the dove signified..
Then four fishermen
joined the teacher
glimpsing I Am
as John had glimpsed:
the preparation for
fishers of men..
The father Zebedee
didn't protest
perhaps he had
long known I Am..
What followed
was departure.. 
To where?  Capernium
for astonishing teaching
with authority of Truth
which commanded:  
Be Quiet..!
Impure spirits
were cleansed by
their confrontation with
Truth on display..
Then a series of healings
of fever and demons
with new recognitions..
Everyone was searching
but most not aware
that they already were 
the Truth I Am..
The teacher needed 
respite to pray
to fortify the clarity
of the Truth he bore..
Then a leper
cleansed with joy 
ignored teacher's caution
and spread the news..
And they came from
everywhere seeking
relief from their longing:
only to be found in
the Truth I Am..

thought and perception

thought and perception

conception and perception
these are the objects
to which we awaken
this morning..
this is creation
happening anew
each of us
with a big bang
perception separates
and cognition names..
cognition of time
hangs together the
10000 pieces..relating
and making whole pieces..
the whole pieces point 
to that which is the same
for each of us
and out of which
unending big bangs
color our day...