Saturday, March 31, 2018



the curtain torn
is the light exposed..
as centurions all
we carry dark curtains
concealing our light..
exposure might come
with shock and awe
or right now
in a quiet pause...

(ref:  Matthew 27)

Friday, March 30, 2018

What is Dark Matter?

dark matter makes up the difference
say scientists in their determinations
of the extra mass needed to keep
the universe accelerating..
there is a dark matter signature
which has been applied
and has become an assumption
until now..!
one galaxy in their observation has
elected not to play..
and a paradox stands in the way
of their comfortable assumption..
perhaps we need to ask:
what is dark matter..?
we might speculate:
dark matter is not matter
but a infinite field
which molds itself from time to time
to appear as a galaxy in motion
to the scientist observing
and startled by dark matter disguises...!

"Paradoxically, the absence of dark matter in this particular stellar conglomerate also suggests that dark matter does, in fact, exist."  Check out this link:      
(Thanks, CP!!)

FB comment by Bernardo Kastrup:

"In theories proposing alternatives to dark matter, such as modifications to our understanding of gravity, whatever is mimicking the dark matter signature is not something that can be turned on or off—it should always be there. So, van Dokkum says, “by not detecting the dark matter, we actually prove it’s real.”"

Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Centurion's Path

The Centurion's Path

The centurion noticed..
terror opened the curtain
the curtain which covered
the knowing of his own
true self..
A rock splitting event
or tomb opening
to a new openness
directly experienced
on this terrifying day...

Matthew 27:50-53

50 Then Jesus cried again with a loud voice and breathed his last.  51 At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook, and the rocks were split. 52 The tombs also were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised. 53 After his resurrection they came out of the tombs and entered the holy city and appeared to many. 54 Now when the centurion and those with him, who were keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were terrified and said, “Truly this man was God’s Son!”

Anne Cubbage
Pastor, Broadmoor Community Church UCC

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

deleted words

deleted words

you might notice 
the following blank lines
in which several words 
are now deleted..

or words
 in this space
were never written 
the space
expresses the only
surety we can know..
it indefinitely flows
and enlarges into
wide margins we notice..
the space has retained 
the secret of words
which did or did
not play..
and the words
if they played
day or night  
 played as space
eternally white...

Saturday, March 24, 2018


  1. EXILE

    is closely experienced
    as discomfort
    of a separated mind
    a wish for home..
    a feeling of restriction
    a curtailment of freedom
    which is lifted
    with momentary arrivings
    but reinstated as shadow
    as exile resumes..
    exile is "quiet desperation" *
    an expression of
    dissatisfaction of the present
    and continued searching 
    for echoes of happiness...

    *Henry David Thoreau

    Voyagers discover that the world can never be larger than the person that is in the world; but it is impossible to foresee this, it is impossible to be warned. 
    James Baldwin (1924-1987) African-American writer.


a journey, especially a long or meandering one.

  1. Peregrination

    all who meander
    are not lost
    says the bumper
    this linearity lacking
    might it recognize
    that the destination
    is here and now..
    that the journey
    occurs within
    regardless of the
    seeming passing

palm branches

palm branches

a temporary vision
of vibrant green
nature's eternity glimpsed
in palm branches
covering our path..
 soon to wilt and decay
but for now
a suggestion of grace..
 roadsigns pointing expected
new birth...

Friday, March 23, 2018



is that no-time
between time of sun
and time of darkness..
a gateway
momentarily cleared
for a glimpse
of the eternal..
not day and not night
but a joy grasping
inflicted by the
dark colorings of
one light...

Thursday, March 22, 2018

the dance

in considering 
polarity as movement
as dance
consciousness is 
the infinite field
of the dance..
and more:
consciousness is
the dance as the
dance appears
and not the dance
as the dance 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018



A direct experience 
Of a space-like reality
In which thoughts-perceptions
Appear and disappear..
The Knowing-Space
Colors and un-colors
 In endless variety
With seeming borders
And locations pretending
An utter independence..
Thought is using these words
In a convincing way
Until we recognize
Once again
The Knowing-Space...

Monday, March 19, 2018

a gift of march wind

a gift of march wind

a sensing of biting chill
bringing a wish to constrict
to preserve and withdraw
into a warmer self..
this is reaction of the finite
to that outward discomfort
a gift of march wind..?
yet we know 
of the temporary nature
of this walk and chill..
time and calendar 
bring images of spring
these temporary thoughts 
which come and go..
now remembering now
a conscious i am
experiencing that
not coming and going
a gift of march wind...

Saturday, March 17, 2018



in progress

the wound

the wound

is allowed to fester
in our life today..
festering from belief
in our grasping
material master..
we search for salve
to relieve and restore
a happy face..
and after many
fruitless searches
we discover that the
 wound is searching
all the while
it is made of 
the salve...



is apparently required
to accomplish and survive..
And the question:
is there happiness in effort..
happiness is 
resting in being
and recognizing being
as one's true nature..
a further recognition
must be considered:
effort is really
being in action...

Friday, March 16, 2018

Stephen Hawking and "knowledge"

His legacy is large
as he leaves his 
life-sustaining technology
He leaves behind also
this quote:
"The greatest enemy of
knowledge is not ignorance,
it is the illusion of knowledge."

often masquerades
as wholeness
claiming more than
its limited span..
Knowledge as thought
appears in our Self
is made of our Self
but cannot know
our infinite Self...

Our Thanks, Stephen Hawking...

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Copenhagen Interpretation

The Copenhagen Interpretation

A theory apparently with legs
leaning upon a collapse..
Perhaps a collapse within
consciousness and made of
which brings about the
"I" thought
of the finite mind..
Unfocused to focused
and the appearance of
those created details...

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

7 Pointers

7 Pointers

In this Lenten time
the Christian tradition
provides 7 signs in
the Gospel of John..
These point to the 
Perennial truth of Identity
the "I" of each of us
regardless of religion or not..
The Perennial truth is
simply the recognition of
oneself not separated
as world culture insists..
That's it..!
Nothing more..!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018



is a play of illusion
as a mirage in the desert
placebos pose as medicine
light poses as water..
no-thing says some-thing..!
Both placebo and real pill
are vibrations in and of
Schrodinger's cat
comes to mind:
at once dead and alive..
Placebo is an agent
of evolution:
Mind emerging as 
that from which
all is made...!

Sunday, March 11, 2018


There is only Presence
a rich oneness
which is our identity
 standing and witnessing
and creating of itself 
life's many separations..
Paths of separation
of resisting and seeking
seem to veil our identity
allowing only brief tastes
of the Presence we crave
and words fail to disclose..
But the thrills on life's paths
present a window
which when cleansed
illumines our way home...

Friday, March 9, 2018


location location location
to never locate location..
and when is location not found..?
not then..not now..

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Spontaneous graces and forces..(after Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Spontaneous graces and forces (after Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Our journeys are such
that experiences of Sunday mornings
of yoga workouts..of meditation or prayer
or of riding our waves of joy
are times elevated..and other times
seem as the waiting rooms of life..
And more..the dependence on writings
of those considered most wise..provide
a temporary balm for our cloudy days..
Forgotten is the spontaneity and the equality
found at the core of all experience..
Yet..when remembered..Sundays and workouts
meditations and books..and all we do
are born anew:
Awakening that which we are..forgetting
for the moment
that which we do...

We go to famous books for our examples of character, just as we send to England for shrubs which grow as well in our own door-yards and cow-pastures. Life is always rich, and spontaneous graces and forces elevate it in every domestic circle, which are overlooked while we are reading something less excellent in old authors. From the obscurity and casualty of those which I know, I infer the obscurity and casualty of the like balm and consolation and immortality in a thousand homes which I do not know, all round the world. And I see not why to these simple instincts, simple yet grand, all the heights and transcendencies of virtue and of enthusiasm are not open. There is power enough in them to move the world; and it is not any sterility or defect in ethics, but our negligence of these fine monitors, of these world-embracing sentiments, that makes religion cold and life low...

When I talked with an ardent missionary, and pointed out to him that his creed found no support in my experience, he replied, It is not so in your experience, but is so in the other world. I answer: Other world! There is no other world. God is one and omnipresent; here or nowhere is the whole fact. The one miracle which God works evermore is in Nature, and imparting himself to the mind. When we ask simply, "What is true in thought? what is just in action?" it is the yielding of the private heart to the Divine mind, and all personal preferences, and all requiring of wonders, are profane.

 ~~Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Sovereignty of Ethics.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018



This oft' used word
occurs most often in
separation's context
rendering duality as
the reality assumed..
A thought arises and
ranges to science and
the shrinking globe..
Thought decides from
a pluralistic window
a relative truth:
seems quite true..
But..doubt arises
over the intuition that
thoughts come and go
and so very likely
this thought 
will soon depart..
This unhappy scenario
awaits absolute knowing
that interconnection
must be derived
from an experienced

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Perennial Tradition

  1. 1
    lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.

    "his perennial distrust of the media"

    synonyms:abidingenduringlastingeverlastingperpetualeternal, continuing, unendingunceasingnever-endingendlessundyingceaseless, persisting, permanentconstantcontinualunfailingunchangingnever-changing
    "the perennial fascination with crime"
  1. 1
    a perennial plant.

    The Perennial Tradition

    is the recognition of appearances
    appearances of the street corner
    the mountains and the fields
    and the far-flung galaxies..
    the recognition of appearances
    as appearances..not as solid objects 
    or more subtle objects
    existing in their apartness..
    the recognition is the 
    awakening of awareness..available
    now and always to all..
    the recognition is perennial
    and has founded religions
    and sciences and other knowings
    but has been veiled by the insistence
    of other than appearance...

Overlooking our Identity

Overlooking our Identity 

This is the activity
in which each of us
Overlooking our Identity
as expanse and expanding
confining it to a
constraining cluster of
perceptions and thoughts..
we notice the caging
and the confinement
sounding freedom's call...

Monday, March 5, 2018

I am doing

I am doing

Consciousness shapes and acts
and becomes I..the doer..
I complete my doing
and my doing recedes 
and returns..I rest 
as Consciousness..

The Winter’s Tale

Each your doing,
So singular in each particular,
Crowns what you are doing, in the present deeds,
That all your acts are queens.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Consciousness-only is..

Consciousness-only is..

Of vital importance
in this our time's moment..
To realize 
with living transparency 
the only-ness
of Consciousness..
Separation dissolves
in the realizing
and is superseded now
with uncaused joy...

Friday, March 2, 2018

Plunging out into a sunny March morning

Plunging out into a
sunny March morning

An outward plunge
into natural vistas
of rock and piñon..
Taking along understanding
the beyond understanding
as the lens through which
the rock and pinion
retort of their
reflected wholeness..
A glow of equality
in the midst of 
life's storms and joys...