Water and Wine II
See: John 2: 1-11
How can we use metaphor to assist us in a new universal understandings?
Consider the metaphor of the ocean and waves. (Water is to the ocean,
as wine is to waves.) Each of us is having a wave experience, each wave
different, and we believe that the many and various waves mark the
realities of our lives..with all of its struggles and joys. That is..until
we notice the ocean! We, as temporary waves, as well as the ocean, are
all made of water!
We are water!
Who would have thought?!
The Cana metaphor is similar..prompting our notice that wine
comes entirely from water (see image), is made entirely of water.
(all metaphors have imperfections!) But, might we experience the
pervading Oneness expressed in metaphor?
Each of us is that Oneness. Not magic..but Real metaphorical
And, there is more. Jesus is most direct with his mother, telling her that
his hour has not yet come. What could this possibly have do with water
and wine? The hour to which he refers is, of course, the crucifixion
and resurrection. Back to the metaphor..even though we have
experienced the Oneness of the ocean and wave (water and wine), alas
we forget, and forgetting brings back the suffering which results from
the appearance and belief in separation (sin is the religious name).
Apparently, we need to crucify this belief, again and again, by
remembering once more who we are…wine resurrecting as water..
wave resurrecting as ocean (water).
Metaphorically speaking, that is!!
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