the prodigal
the father
veils himself and
issues forth as
a prodigal seeking
peace and love
in a foreign place..
she suffers..not
finding after searching
with exuberance
among colorful attractions
of places and things..
in exhaustion she
cries for help..and
grace is recognized
with joy as she
I and my father
are one...

“The true adventurer goes forth aimless and uncalculating to meet and greet unknown fate. A fine example was the Prodigal Son — when he started back home.”
― O. Henry, The Green Door
The Departure of the Prodigal Son
To go forth now
from all the entanglement
that is ours and yet not ours,
that, like the water in an old well,
reflects us in fragments, distorts what we are.
From all that clings
like burrs and brambles--
to go forth
and see for once, close up, afresh,
what we had ceased to see--
so familiar it had become.
To glimpse how vast and how impersonal
is the suffering that filled your childhood.
Yes, to go forth,
hand pulling away from hand.
Go forth to what? To uncertainty,
to a country with no connections to us
and indifferent to the dramas of our life.
What drives you to go forth?
Impatience, instinct, a dark need,
the incapacity to understand.
To bow to all this.
To let go--
even if you have to die alone.
Is this the start of a new life?
~~Rainer Maria Rilke
Understood spiritually, Lent is a time for preparation for Easter,
which is not only a celebration of Jesus' resurrection, but a
reminder that we are summoned to leave behind that which
entombs us. Attitudes like resentment, hatred, complaining,
pessimism, worry, anger, pettiness, and gloom can be graves
in which we linger and languish for a lifetime. Without
realizing how it came about, we can find ourselves with at
least one foot in graves that render us lifeless and in need
of resurrection...
~~Tom Stella, CPR For The Soul
Understood spiritually, Lent is a time for preparation for Easter,
which is not only a celebration of Jesus' resurrection, but a
reminder that we are summoned to leave behind that which
entombs us. Attitudes like resentment, hatred, complaining,
pessimism, worry, anger, pettiness, and gloom can be graves
in which we linger and languish for a lifetime. Without
realizing how it came about, we can find ourselves with at
least one foot in graves that render us lifeless and in need
of resurrection...
~~Tom Stella, CPR For The Soul

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