The Gospel of John...
A Non-Dual Version

Chapter 1...Word Recognition
The Word
Was the beginning
The emanation..
Bringing seeming separation
A creation of others..
Light does not begin or end
Is Eternal and Infinite..
Yet otherness seems
To obscure the Light..
That is..until Grace is
Recognition is new birth
In which the Light of Grace
Is found to be
Shining everywhere..
Even in Nazareth..
Voices call in the wilderness..
Witnessing Light
Here and everywhere..
Yet..a wilderness of separation
Seems to retain its grasp..
We regard the fig tree
Independent and alone
Until Recognition finds it within
And made of our Light..
Chapter 2...Table Turning
A turning of the tables
Brought new understanding
Of the real Temple of the body..
Which aspires to go home
To re-discover its true nature
Made of Grace..
This is the reversal which will
Bring Self Recognition and
Accompanying Peace to each of us
And to our world..
Recognition is the real miracle
Conveyed by the familiar story of
Water into wine...
Chapter 3...Night Recognition
Nicodemus arrives in the night
Bringing his understanding which
Seems to be veiled
Concerning the real Identity
Of each and every one of us..
A new birth of our true Identity
Is available in all times..especially
In our time of unending confusion..
Baptizing with water and Spirit
Cleanses darkened lenses allowing
Recognition of who we really Are..
Teacher and Baptizer are names of
Those who are awakening
And freeing those who have not yet
Found themselves already Free...
Chapter 4...The Wellspring
They met by a historical well
He from a tradition's inside
The woman from outside..
He knows their common Spring
And she now discovers
Living Waters in herself
Welling to eternal life..
The inner Wellspring
Can be experienced by all
Without regard to life stories..
Or to claims of traditions
Which seemingly conceal
This joyful Welling..
Our inner Wellspring awaits
To each our own inquiry..
The energy of the Wellspring
Feeds both sowers and reapers
In the world.. bringing healing
And Gladness together...
Chapter 5...Pick up your Mat
Pick up your Mat
Your true Grounding
And walk as I Am..
Dispatching this advice
The teacher slipped away..
One decreased and the other
Increased..a repeated lesson..
What was the teaching
So effectively applied..?
The teaching addresses the
Identity of each of us as
Eternally made..
Recognition is healing
Assuming we want to get well..!
Clarity is served for us:
Recognize our true Grounding:
I Am..
There are obstacles
In presenting this teaching
For those who ignore
The Mat on which
They stand...
Chapter 6...Abundance
Abundance is the name
Of that in each of us
Known as Grace and Peace..
Abundance knows no limits
Is the essence of all quantities
Whether fish or bread or
Time and space..
Some find this new Identity
Named simply as Abundance walking
On water or empty space..
I ourselves..and others..
Recognizing Abundance
Eternal and available
To all of us..Here and Now...
Chapter 7...Careful Teaching
The teacher knows
His teaching is vital..
Vital so that others might
Understand who they Are..
But fear arises
For those not ready to receive..
A teacher's time has not arrived
For them just yet..
Misunderstanding arises
In those assuming separation..
Not understanding that the teacher's
Real Self was teaching and
Not the separate self as
Assumed by many..
The teacher knows that
His life may soon end..
By the questions they asked
He knows of their struggle to
Recognize that to which he
Pointed..waiting until
Their time arrives...
Chapter 8...Caught in adultery
The teacher knows his Identity
And the Identity of all characters
As they play their parts..
But the characters do not know
Their own Identity..
A woman was about to be stoned
When the teacher demonstrated
The pain of belief in separation
The cause of our common suffering..
By our Self discovery:
We discover the Light
The Image we are
Our eternal Identity even before
Ancient Abraham..
The teacher spoke with authority
Which We might we Recognize...
Chapter 9...Blindness
Blindness results from
Our belief in separation..
Belief that many things
Inform our everyday..
We attempt to understand
With lenses of separation..
Thus.. the confusion..the fear..
Special confusion arises
With the belief that one teacher
And not
Properly certified..
Recognition is the qualification
For all teachers..including the
Blind man and
You and me...!
Chapter 10...The Gate..I am
The teacher announced that
"I Am" is the Gate
Our Recognition of salvation..
The Gate is the Openness in
Each of us which precedes all
Of our thoughts and perceptions..
The Gate is familiar to those
Who have experienced it and is
Quickly distinguished from
Other gates suggested by
Strangers and hired hands..
I and the Father are One
A statement misunderstood
Over centuries..
The statement portrays
Our real Identity so simply..
Are we mere men and women..?
Or does the teaching illustrate
Our real Identity as Boundless...?
Finally..we lay down our lives
That is..we become Aware of
The falsity of separation..
We Recognize that we
Are not whom we thought..!
Chapter 11...Resurrection of Life
Death is not the end
When we do not stumble
Walking in the darkness
Of separation..
The experience I Am
Ends illusory separation as
Our true Self awakens..
Such is proclaimed as the
Resurrection of life..
Yet we did the Teacher
Experiencing the hold of belief
On appearances of life ending
As with Lazarus and those we love..
We all await the joyful Recognition
In the brevity of a moment
Of Life with no beginning and
No end..

Chapter 12...The Poor
Self Recognition
Transcends considerations
Of rich or poor..
His teaching simply says
Attachment to life in this world
Must a kernel of wheat dies..
Allowing Recognition of our
Eternal Identity..
He pointed to our own Light
And then hid himself to allow
Our own Light to shine..
In other words..the same I Am
Shines in each of us..
Our common True Nature..
Poor no more...!

Chapter 13...Hours
We live by hours and
The ending hour
Comes for each of us..
The purpose of our hours
Is to Recognize that we
And others and everything
Are made of the Love that
Hours cannot measure..
Humility and feet washing
Are examples by which
We might recognize that
All are clean..even those who
Remain attached to the dream..
The wind blows as it does..
The telling of our stories
Must bring Recognition:
Stories are the dance of
I Am...!

Chapter 14...Being where I Am
I Am
Is our common Place..
That Place is experienced
Any time we Recognize that
I way and the truth
And the life..
We are puzzled by the
Conditioning of our lives which
Insists on masks of separation..
Knowing I Am..we also know
Greater and greater
Works are possible..
Awareness of I Am in each
Constitutes an ever-present

Chapter 15...Remember the Vine
The Vine
Emerges fresh from its Source.. Vines.. are always clean
Reflecting our Source..
Yet we forget we are Vines..
I true Vine
Forgetting..we seem as branches..
Beliefs in separate branches
Must be burned in the fire
Of Vine Recognition..!
Recognition of ourselves
As Love without dimension
Brings Joy and Friendship as
Friends abide in Love..
Others may prefer
That we share assumptions
Of separation and conflict..
As Grace passes unrecognized...

Chapter 16...The teacher departs
The teacher reminds us
Religions may reject us
As they do not yet Know..
And another reminder:
A teacher must depart
To allow strengthening
Of our own Knowing.. I Am..
Then we can discover
Real meanings of sin and
Righteousness and judgment..
We forget for a while
And then Remember..
Remembering transforms
Grief to Joy..finding Peace
As the world finds trouble...

Chapter 17...Knowing Unity
Knowing the Eternal as
Our Home and our purpose..
Our only Purpose..
I Identity before
The world began..
There is certainty in Knowing
Ourselves as this teacher taught..
A Oneness to be Recognized
Which is the only true Safety..
Destruction is marked for the
World's beliefs of separation..
None of us are of the world
Yet we can live this dream
Recognizing what we truly Are...
The teacher taught universal
Unity and Oneness..which is the
Glory of I Am..belonging to
Each and All...

Chapter 18...The Traitor
The traitor is within
And needs to be recognized
As our belief in a separate self..
The belief brings lapses in
Recognizing our Self and
Judging of those
Who seem to be a threat to
Our separate existence..
As darkness falls we are prone
To denying the Oneness we are
With the exclamation: I Am not..
I am not..I am not..
Testifying to Truth is
Our task in this world..
Many there are who are
Fearful of Truth..which seems
To encroach on our
Illusory and limited freedom..
We find workarounds by asking
Others to determine easier paths..
Fruits of fear...

Chapter 19...Fruits of Fear
The separation belief
Takes its toll
In religion and in politics..
Cause and effect assert
Bringing fear in their wake..
The problem of separation
Crucifixion seems to do
With transference of blame
And strictures of law..
I Am..thirsty..
Fulfillment is Now..
The illusion of brokenness
And of piercing..dissolves..
Finally..we find that this
Storied event took place
In the Garden of scripture..
Remembering a teaching
Of that Garden..

Chapter 20...Approaching
With wonder we are ready
To approach..and are shocked
By the Truth of Emptiness..
We may weep with joy as
Recognition takes place..
A dawning Peace brings
An end to false separation..
Yet this time is apparently
Not for all..As doubters we
Insist on proof in our world
Of assumed separation..
Any book is limited in its
Capacity to relate Truth...

Chapter 21...Breakfast
The ending chapter arrives
With one more reminder of
Abundance which is never absent
And is our Identity..
A final fish story..rooted in
Our Oneness which we Recognize
In all activities..such as breakfast..
Love embraces all which we
Recognize with self inquiry:
Who am I..?
Love is then expressed by
Feeding those sheep still seeking
Joy and Presence..
Repeating: Books can never
Fully express the Beauty and
Truth of who we Are...
Gospel of John
Strangers and hired hands..
I and the Father are One
A statement misunderstood
Over centuries..
The statement portrays
Our real Identity so simply..
Are we mere men and women..?
Or does the teaching illustrate
Our real Identity as Boundless...?
Finally..we lay down our lives
That is..we become Aware of
The falsity of separation..
We Recognize that we
Are not whom we thought..!
Chapter 11...Resurrection of Life
Death is not the end
When we do not stumble
Walking in the darkness
Of separation..
The experience I Am
Ends illusory separation as
Our true Self awakens..
Such is proclaimed as the
Resurrection of life..
Yet we did the Teacher
Experiencing the hold of belief
On appearances of life ending
As with Lazarus and those we love..
We all await the joyful Recognition
In the brevity of a moment
Of Life with no beginning and
No end..

Chapter 12...The Poor
Self Recognition
Transcends considerations
Of rich or poor..
His teaching simply says
Attachment to life in this world
Must a kernel of wheat dies..
Allowing Recognition of our
Eternal Identity..
He pointed to our own Light
And then hid himself to allow
Our own Light to shine..
In other words..the same I Am
Shines in each of us..
Our common True Nature..
Poor no more...!

Chapter 13...Hours
We live by hours and
The ending hour
Comes for each of us..
The purpose of our hours
Is to Recognize that we
And others and everything
Are made of the Love that
Hours cannot measure..
Humility and feet washing
Are examples by which
We might recognize that
All are clean..even those who
Remain attached to the dream..
The wind blows as it does..
The telling of our stories
Must bring Recognition:
Stories are the dance of
I Am...!

Chapter 14...Being where I Am
I Am
Is our common Place..
That Place is experienced
Any time we Recognize that
I way and the truth
And the life..
We are puzzled by the
Conditioning of our lives which
Insists on masks of separation..
Knowing I Am..we also know
Greater and greater
Works are possible..
Awareness of I Am in each
Constitutes an ever-present

Chapter 15...Remember the Vine
The Vine
Emerges fresh from its Source.. Vines.. are always clean
Reflecting our Source..
Yet we forget we are Vines..
I true Vine
Forgetting..we seem as branches..
Beliefs in separate branches
Must be burned in the fire
Of Vine Recognition..!
Recognition of ourselves
As Love without dimension
Brings Joy and Friendship as
Friends abide in Love..
Others may prefer
That we share assumptions
Of separation and conflict..
As Grace passes unrecognized...

Chapter 16...The teacher departs
The teacher reminds us
Religions may reject us
As they do not yet Know..
And another reminder:
A teacher must depart
To allow strengthening
Of our own Knowing.. I Am..
Then we can discover
Real meanings of sin and
Righteousness and judgment..
We forget for a while
And then Remember..
Remembering transforms
Grief to Joy..finding Peace
As the world finds trouble...

Chapter 17...Knowing Unity
Knowing the Eternal as
Our Home and our purpose..
Our only Purpose..
I Identity before
The world began..
There is certainty in Knowing
Ourselves as this teacher taught..
A Oneness to be Recognized
Which is the only true Safety..
Destruction is marked for the
World's beliefs of separation..
None of us are of the world
Yet we can live this dream
Recognizing what we truly Are...
The teacher taught universal
Unity and Oneness..which is the
Glory of I Am..belonging to
Each and All...

Chapter 18...The Traitor
The traitor is within
And needs to be recognized
As our belief in a separate self..
The belief brings lapses in
Recognizing our Self and
Judging of those
Who seem to be a threat to
Our separate existence..
As darkness falls we are prone
To denying the Oneness we are
With the exclamation: I Am not..
I am not..I am not..
Testifying to Truth is
Our task in this world..
Many there are who are
Fearful of Truth..which seems
To encroach on our
Illusory and limited freedom..
We find workarounds by asking
Others to determine easier paths..
Fruits of fear...

Chapter 19...Fruits of Fear
The separation belief
Takes its toll
In religion and in politics..
Cause and effect assert
Bringing fear in their wake..
The problem of separation
Crucifixion seems to do
With transference of blame
And strictures of law..
I Am..thirsty..
Fulfillment is Now..
The illusion of brokenness
And of piercing..dissolves..
Finally..we find that this
Storied event took place
In the Garden of scripture..
Remembering a teaching
Of that Garden..

Chapter 20...Approaching
With wonder we are ready
To approach..and are shocked
By the Truth of Emptiness..
We may weep with joy as
Recognition takes place..
A dawning Peace brings
An end to false separation..
Yet this time is apparently
Not for all..As doubters we
Insist on proof in our world
Of assumed separation..
Any book is limited in its
Capacity to relate Truth...

Chapter 21...Breakfast
The ending chapter arrives
With one more reminder of
Abundance which is never absent
And is our Identity..
A final fish story..rooted in
Our Oneness which we Recognize
In all activities..such as breakfast..
Love embraces all which we
Recognize with self inquiry:
Who am I..?
Love is then expressed by
Feeding those sheep still seeking
Joy and Presence..
Repeating: Books can never
Fully express the Beauty and
Truth of who we Are...
Gospel of John
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