Paradoxical Sparks...
A new name for this group! The name refers to the seeming
paradox of emptiness spontaneously appearing as what-is-happening.
This is the not-knowing and freedom, which express the reality of life...
(paradoxically) for no-one. Paradox captures the immediacy
of separation and the dual nature (real/unreal) of appearances,
which the dream of life flashes...again, for no-one...However,
these are only words, assembled as a description, which may seem
to be what-is- happening: an appearance of a new name and focus
for the group... Thanks..!! 😎
Paradoxical Sparks...Refers to the seeming paradox of emptiness
spontaneously appearing as what-is-happening. This is the
not-knowing and freedom, which express the reality of life..
(paradoxically) for no-one. Paradox refers to the appearances
of separation with their dual nature (real/unreal), which the
dream of life flashes...again, for no-one...However, these are
only words, assembled as a description, which may seem,
while reading, to be what-is- happening...
Paradoxical Sparks...