Heaven appearing as Earth..already
Prayer answered..
Simply not-two...
The story of Jesus
Empty and full
Are words which may
Introduce Jesus
And ourselves
As the stories we are...
Alan Watts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avN_gQ7NC0I
At any moment we feel that we are having one experience, and yet experience always appears as a multiplicity and diversity of objects. From where does this unity of experience come from? From our true nature of awareness, the light of pure knowing. In reality, experience is a single, intimate and indivisible whole, in which neither a knower nor the known are found. All there is to experience is knowing, and it is knowing that knows this knowing: knowing knowing only knowing. The common name for this absence of duality or otherness is love or beauty.
— Rupert Spira
"Even if I were to procure just one more moment of genuine happiness, that would still be one more than nothing. Perhaps the mere fact that we are cognizant of anything at all is reason enough to celebrate life. How many other combinations of matter can do what we can? What other molecular entity possesses the capacity to laugh; to love; to ponder its own existence; to appreciate works of music, art, literature; to aspire, to hope, to dream? Even if it should turn out that we are just spiritless atoms cavorting in the void, we are still matter's paramount form, the height of its complexity, its crème de la crème—nature's chosen macromolecules. Besides, even if it should turn out that what we call happiness is nothing more than the manifestation of strictly physiological processes, do we experience it any less? Whether I'm mortal or immortal, a spiritual entity or a spiritless organic machine, are these not my experiences? Either way, am I any less me? Moreover, the mere fact that I can never know what each next moment will bring means that, as mechanical, as life might be, mine remains a wondrous and beautiful mystery."
Alper, Matthew. "God" Part of the Brain: A Scientific Interpretation of Human Spirituality and God . Sourcebooks. Kindle Edition. (Michael Markham FB posting.)
The word
Perhaps overused
Is often displayed
In an attempt to
Explain the
In the manner of
A paradoxical
Is..and..Is not...
Appears as
A fluid symphony
Of paradox...
Nancy's poetry
Appears as a
Symphony of
Flooding paradox
And Love...
"Elephant in the room" is a phrase often used in
speaking of some unnoticed large entity which
is in this very room. Frank McCaughey may be
on to something in using this term non duality
discussion. The elephant isn't obvious, until it is.
Perhaps it might replace the word "This, "which
has something of the same usage. (Perhaps not!)
See Frank's video in comments below.)
Seems arising
Canceling expectation..
If dismissal is paused
There may be a
Feeling of freedom
And of love..
Analyzing further
A fleeting absurd
as afternoon darkens
shadings lengthen
bright indistinction
fading to boundaries
deepening feelings of
past times and
bittersweet joys
this storyline
words of emptiness
love expressing
golden hour...
Polarity is
An apparent story
The dance of
And may seem to
Disappear and
Appear as
Not two...
It seems there are:
~Illusions of separation
~Appearances of separation
~Both are storied as
Indescribable This...
A word which
Dares to
Unseat time from
Arising stories..
Rendering all
Stories as
Empty stories...
The arts may be
~Suggestions of emptiness
for the seeking individual..
~Proclamations of emptiness
for no-one...
~These two stories appearing
as This..
The Computer protests:
No such word..
But it seems it has
A role on the stage
And it may resonate:
Nothing languaging...
"Me' and my senses
Seem as departure
For spiritual ventures..
Ventures which come
With a traveling
Companion: that
Illusory separation...
With a shift
In perspective
Story seems
Feels as
For solid
Characters playing
Roles..framed by
No time and space
Empty stories
Not knowing
Only happening
No teachings..
These empty words
May seem to
Pop up
From nowhere
Seeming to
Incite peace with
No understanding...